FDI Procedure
Foreign investors need to apply for an "Approval of FDI" to the MoE through a bank(Exchange transaction) from the beginning according to...

LLC Set-up II
How many directors needed for the LLC? For an LLC, need a Director according to the Commercial law Article 561, with the following...

LLC Set-up
Foreigner can set up an LLC easily and quickly in Korea since there is no requirements for actual funding. So even in FDI case(100mil.won...

Entity Set-up
A foreigner can set up a Korean company without a presence in Korea at the Court, and apply for the tax registration at the tax office...

FDI Liaison Office Establishment
Set up a not-for-profit organization is a good idea for getting the E-7 VISA in Korea, it's called a liaison office or representative...

Save your entity set-up cost in Yong-in city
When you set-up an entity, you can save entity registration tax in Yong-in city. In a metropolitan city including Seoul, actually it's...

Establishing an Entity
The Korean government would like to welcome you to the country if you would like to become an investor/businessperson here. All you have...

Limited Liability Company(유한회사)
Are you still stuck on the idea of incorporating your company as a “주식회사 (jushik hoesa)?” In this type of company, you need to extend not...