Rent Deduction in Korea 2023FY: Eligibility and Benefits
Please review your lease contract and check the above items. Did you apply for the rent deduction for 2021FY and 2022FY? If you didn't,...

Understanding the Key Changes in 2023 Year-End Tax Settlement
*www.hometax.go.kr In 2023, NTS introduced several important changes to its year-end tax settlement for salaried taxpayers, impacting...

Did you apply for 2021FY Rent deductions?
I still got emails for this subject, you can apply for Rent deductions if you paid it by yourself. Actually you can apply for the...

Rent Deduction III
If the landlord does not agree? The landlord may not agree because he does not like to deduct the monthly rent. In the past, deductions...

Rent Deduction II
Monthly rental tax credit conditions; In order to receive a monthly rent deduction, you must meet all of the following conditions. ①...

Spouse Deduction II
If the spouse has only earned income, is it possible to deduct if the total salary is less than 5 million won? Yes, it's possible. Even...

Global Income Tax Return in Korea(종합소득세)
Residents who earned income in Korea need to file the captioned return by the end of May, you can visit a tax office near you with your...

Global Income Tax Return for 2019FY
Every resident who earned other than salary income in Korea for 2019 FY need to file tax return by the June 1, 2020 and must pay taxes by...

Year-end Settlement of National WorCom and Employment Insurance
For 2018 FY national employment insurance and workmen's compensation, every employer should submit the form by the 15th of March without...

Why you need a check or credit card to save your tax?
For salary income, those check/credit card amount will be a tax deductible expenses with 3mil.won maximum. Once you wiped 13mil.won while...