Why you need a check or credit card to save your tax?
For salary income, those check/credit card amount will be a tax deductible expenses with 3mil.won maximum. Once you wiped 13mil.won while...

Need D-8 Visa without 100Grand?
Recently I heard that this way of getting D-8 VISA without 100,000U$ injection from overseas, this is a kind of program to promote...

SSP(Social Security Program) in Korea
The National Health Insurance Service (NHIS) has announced that, as of 1 January, 2015, the premium has increased by 1.35% from 5.99% up...

Establishing an Entity
The Korean government would like to welcome you to the country if you would like to become an investor/businessperson here. All you have...

Limited Liability Company(유한회사)
Are you still stuck on the idea of incorporating your company as a “주식회사 (jushik hoesa)?” In this type of company, you need to extend not...